Sit safe and comfortable with a little extra support
If you need extra support to feel safe, when driving the Mini Crosser, we can help.
Our standard seat for Mini Crosser, Ergo2, is prepared for varies support equipment. The support provides the stability you need when you want to drive and feel safe and achieve the best possible functionality. Both installation and adjustment of the equipment is quick and easy.
Side support
The side support cushion is not very visible and the side support bracket takes up minimal space between the upper body and the arm.
It provides good support and can be easily adjusted in height, width and angle.
All side support brackets are rotatable, which makes moving in and out of the chair much easier.
Thigh support
To keep the legs together and stabilize the sitting position, use the thigh support(s). Of course, these are also adjustable in length / depth, width and angle to provide the best possible support without putting too much pressure on the thigh.
Contact your nearest dealer for more information